Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fix It

Ok, I was so excited to figure out how to post a link to the video clip, but I guess it is too big for the space. Bummer. I'll leave it anyway. If you have any advice, pray tell. Please and thank you!

Also, we made the plunge and switched from Comcast to Direct TV. So far so good and we are saving a LOT of moolah.

Yesterday I was subbing in the freshman English class. These kids are so immature and just have a long way to go. I've been in their classes a lot, so they are getting to know me better. I called roll, and then went over the instructions for the class. I found myself saying, "What does QUIETLY mean?" We came to the conclusion that it means "minimal whispering." They were going to be doing some group work, so minimal whispering was a big deal. At one point, it got really, really quiet. One boy immediately said, "I'm sorry." I said, "For what?" He said, "Were we being too loud and you told us to be quiet?" I laughed and said, "No, you are just being angels and working hard." And then it was over when some one said, "Mwahaha, Angels and Demons! Mwahaha!"

There are so many funny stories, most of which I can't repeat and most of which I shouldn't laugh about. I don't laugh at the time, but later I do. Teenagers are just fascinating; they're not even human, it's so weird.

Happy Birthday Cousin Jill!!
I love you! Will you tell me an Emmy Claire story?


JiLL @ Lellowbird said...

Emmy Claire story coming right up! In 10 days when I see you!!!

** ok, for some reason i couldn't comment on your last post, but Josh and I watched that SNL clip from our DVR like 8 times already!! We were singing the dumb song all day yesterday and texting the words!! I almost peed my pants. It deserves a "LOL"

The Andersons said...

so, do you watch so you think you can dance??? you look like one of the girls on the show!